
    Full Damp and Timber Survey in Lancashire




    Full Damp and Timber Survey in Lancashire

    Damp Consultants, As the name suggests this is an independent survey of a single home dampness specified. This might be a defect identified in a homebuyer report or building damp and timber survey that a purchaser requires more information. But more commonly our clients already own their buildings and need a dampness defect report to give guidance and information regarding a defect that they have identified.


    A typical Home Buyers’ Survey will usually take up to 1 hour or more. As a damp specialist in Lancashire, we will happily address and answer any concerns or questions you have during the damp and timber survey.

    Lancashire Based Damp and Timber Surveyors - Damp Specialist

    The typical damp and timber surveys cover all aspects of the interior of the property and also an evaluation of the exterior of the building itself including roofing, rainwater goods and any other building defect issues related to this single defect. And all the results are presented in a detailed written report.


    We can tailor single defect reports to your requirements. For example, some clients are looking for a damp report to send to their insurance company or a loss adjuster. In most cases, it is best to call Damp Consultants and speak with a damp specialist in Lancashire or one of our surveyors who can discuss your requirements and the nature of the defect you need inspecting. We can then give you a quotation for the damp works required.

    Damp Specialist in Lancashire - Full Damp and Timber Survey

    We are a professional damp specialist who specialises in detecting, diagnosing and treating damp issues in properties. If you found black mildew patches on walls, ceilings or floors in your home or building then take action straight away to hire a damp specialist in Lancashire. We have been solving damp problems for 10 years. Our damp and timber surveyors are proficient, skilled and highly qualified to find the exact problem.


    For a damp survey, to hire a professional damp specialist is a good decision. A full damp and timber survey in Lancashire process includes inspecting and identifying the exact type of damp issue your property has, investigating the underlying cause of the damp and analysing your existing DPC. We are also providing a full report on what type of damp proofing your property needs.


    Our damp surveyors are also able to identify your home or building’s moisture problem and how severe it is. We offer the most effective and cost-efficient solution to your damp problem. As a highly recommended damp specialist, we have a variety of damp diagnostic tools and techniques to determine the exact cause of damp in your property.

    Damp Specialist in Lancashire - Full Damp and Timber Survey

    We are a professional damp specialist who specialises in detecting, diagnosing and treating damp issues in properties. If you found black mildew patches on walls, ceilings or floors in your home or building then take action straight away to hire a damp specialist in Lancashire. We have been solving damp problems for 10 years. Our damp and timber surveyors are proficient, skilled and highly qualified to find the exact problem.


    For a damp survey, to hire a professional damp specialist is a good decision. A full damp and timber survey in Lancashire process includes inspecting and identifying the exact type of damp issue your property has, investigating the underlying cause of the damp and analysing your existing DPC. We are also providing a full report on what type of damp proofing your property needs.


    Our damp surveyors are also able to identify your home or building’s moisture problem and how severe it is. We offer the most effective and cost-efficient solution to your damp problem. As a highly recommended damp specialist, we have a variety of damp diagnostic tools and techniques to determine the exact cause of damp in your property.



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  • Get in Touch

    Royal Oak Avenue
    Blackburn, Lancashire (UK), BB1 8QD
    0786 0944 128